Please come in person to our location to apply for a Christmas Hamper, as we are unable to take applications over the phone. You will need to bring ID for yourself and your household to apply. Once you come in, we will assign you a date and time to pick up your Christmas Hamper in December. Due to the expected volume of families in need, we are not able to work with your schedule in regards to hamper appointments, but we hope that with enough notice you will be able to plan ahead to receive your hamper on time. Once you have your appointment scheduled, you will receive a Christmas hamper pickup ticket. Its very important that you do not lose this ticket, as you will not be able to collect a Christmas hamper without it. It is also very important that you arrive on time for your Christmas hamper appointment, as we only have 5 minutes to complete each appointment. Because of this, we will not be seeing anyone that arrives early or late to their appointment. If you miss your appointment, you may come in person on December 20th or 23rd, during our walk in days, to pick up a hamper. On those days, it will be first come first serve, and there may be some families that will not receive hampers. You must bring proof of a permanent address in Grande Prairie and ID for every household member in order to pick up a hamper on our walk in days.
Important Dates:
November 29th – Deadline for Christmas hamper applications
December 2nd to19th – Christmas hamper distribution days